Our Hundred Billion Market


As the foundation of modern information technology industry, the semiconductor industry has become the basic, strategic and leading industry of social development and national economy, and is an indispensable and important part of modern daily life and future scientific and technological progress


In the Wave: Third Generation Semiconductor

In 2020, the global third-generation semiconductor industry has undergone huge fluctuations under the anti-globalization measures of the United States. Seizing the commanding heights of the semiconductor industry's competitive landscape has become the common appeal and investment direction of all countries in the world. From this, it can be predicted that in the next few years, the global semiconductor industry will Competition for resources and talents will enter a fierce stage. The semiconductor industry is a key area of ​​technology blockade against China in the Sino-US technological and economic war, and has become the hardest hit area in my country's "short board".

2022-10-14 10:22