

Our Hundred Billion Market




Semiconductor Market Size


As the foundation of modern information technology industry, the semiconductor industry has become the basic, strategic and leading industry of social development and national economy, and is an indispensable and important part of modern daily life and future scientific and technological progress; with the gradual progress of global science and technology , the scale of the global semiconductor industry has basically maintained a continuous expansion trend. According to data released by the Global Semiconductor Trade Organization, from 2013 to 2019, the scale of the global semiconductor industry increased from US$305.6 billion to US$412.1 billion. Maintain steady growth.

Semiconductor industry chain



From the perspective of the industry chain, the semiconductor industry chain involves supporting industries such as materials and equipment, chip design, wafer manufacturing, packaging and testing industries, and semiconductor product terminal application industries. Semiconductor products represented by integrated circuits have a wide range of applications, and the growth in demand for downstream application industries is the core driving force for the rapid development of the semiconductor industry. Semiconductor special equipment is the technological leader of the semiconductor industry. Chip design, wafer manufacturing and packaging testing must be designed and manufactured within the scope of equipment technology. The technological progress of equipment in turn promotes the development of the semiconductor industry.




Semiconductor industry chain


From the perspective of the industry chain, the semiconductor industry chain involves supporting industries such as materials and equipment, chip design, wafer manufacturing, packaging and testing industries, and semiconductor product terminal application industries. Semiconductor products represented by integrated circuits have a wide range of applications, and the growth in demand for downstream application industries is the core driving force for the rapid development of the semiconductor industry. Semiconductor special equipment is the technological leader of the semiconductor industry. Chip design, wafer manufacturing and packaging testing must be designed and manufactured within the scope of equipment technology. The technological progress of equipment in turn promotes the development of the semiconductor industry.


Semiconductor Equipment Market Size


As the processing area of ​​semiconductor products doubles and the processing difficulty continues to increase, the manufacturing equipment for producing semiconductor products in the future will become more and more refined, and the value may continue to rise. According to SEMI data, the global semiconductor equipment market is expected to reach US$101.31 billion in 2022 (predicted at US$76.1 billion at the beginning of the year), with a CAGR of 19.29% in 20-22.



Semiconductor IC chip manufacturing process

Semiconductor chip production is mainly divided into three links: IC design, IC manufacturing, and IC packaging and testing. IC design mainly carries out logical design and rule formulation according to the design purpose of the chip, and makes a mask according to the design drawing for subsequent photolithography steps. IC manufacturing realizes the transfer of the chip circuit diagram from the mask to the silicon wafer, and realizes the predetermined chip function, including photolithography, etching, ion implantation, thin film deposition, chemical mechanical polishing and other steps. IC packaging and testing completes the packaging and performance and functional testing of chips, which is the final process before product delivery.


With the rapid development of electronic products, semiconductors, materials whose conductivity is between conductors and insulators at room temperature, are sought after by the market. On May 24, the International Semiconductor Industry Association (SEMI) pointed out that semiconductor equipment will reach a scale of 114 billion US dollars (equivalent to about 759.5 billion yuan) in 2022.

  SEMI pointed out that thanks to advanced technology investment and strong memory equipment spending, semiconductor equipment will further expand to US$114 billion this year, an annual increase of about 10-12%. At the same time, the association stated that the scale of semiconductor equipment this year will not only stand at $100 billion for two consecutive years, but will also continue to hit a record high.


 From a technological or economic point of view, the importance of semiconductors is enormous. CNMO learned that in the past one or two years, semiconductors have been in a state of "supply in short supply" for a long time. In response to this situation, industry manufacturers have taken measures to expand production capacity. According to data released by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), global semiconductor sales will reach US$555.9 billion (equivalent to approximately RMB 3,702.57 billion) in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 26.2%. 192.5 billion U.S. dollars (equivalent to approximately 1,282.14 billion yuan in RMB), a year-on-year increase of 27.1%. It can be seen that the future of investment in the semiconductor industry is bright.

     Jiangxi Yuhongjin Material Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to the development and production of third-generation semiconductors. Our company has a world-class scientific research team, advanced production equipment and national policy support. Our company will use advanced technology to try our best to bring you a better experience.



— Do not forget the original intention and create the future together —


[ Yuhongjin Semiconductor Chip Technology Co., Ltd. ]


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Building 7, Semiconductor Industrial Park, High-tech Zone, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province

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+86 198-8002-2666