Third generation semiconductor: gallium nitride


The third-generation semiconductors are wide-bandgap semiconductors, represented by silicon carbide and gallium nitride, with superior performances such as high frequency, high efficiency, high power, high voltage resistance, high temperature resistance, and strong radiation resistance, which are suitable for energy saving, emission reduction, and intelligent manufacturing.


The Future of Gallium Nitride

Gallium nitride is an inorganic substance with the chemical formula GaN. It is a compound of nitrogen and gallium. It is a semiconductor with a direct bandgap.

2022-10-14 10:16

Application of Ultrasonic Power Amplifier in MEMS Ultrasonic Testing

The success of MEMS sensors mainly depends on the packaging technology, including SIP (system-in-package), WLP (wafer-level packaging), three-dimensional through-silicon via (TSV) and other technologies. The use of three-dimensional stacking technology can integrate the miniaturized sensor mechanical components and Other microelectronic components are integrated, and different packaging forms are selected according to different applications.

2022-12-06 14:38

How to Design the Reliability of Power Amplifiers Well

How to design and how to do the reliability of power amplifiers is the doubt that many engineers have always had in their minds. For active amplifying circuits such as power amplifiers, the reliability of work is more important than performance indicators in some cases. Let me introduce to you how to design the reliability of the power amplifier well.

2022-12-06 14:40

What is a diode?

Diode, among electronic components, a device with two electrodes that only allows current to flow in one direction, and many uses are for its rectification function.

2022-12-06 14:47

Schottky diode manufacturer

Jiangxi Yuhongjin's third-generation semiconductor chip whole industry chain project is invested by Shenzhen Yuhongjinxin Technology Partnership (Limited Partnership), mainly engaged in MOCVD epitaxial growth and devices of high-quality gallium nitride (GaN) electronic materials and high-end optoelectronic materials Tape-out, R&D and manufacturing of modules.

2022-12-06 14:46

Working principle of Schottky diode

Schottky diodes, in essence, are when metal and semiconductor materials are in contact, and the energy band at the interface semiconductor is bent, forming a Schottky barrier.

2022-12-06 14:44